Uptimia has been completely redesigned

Published May 27, 2018

We are delighted to announce the 4th version of Uptimia. The previous version was more than two years old, and we needed a new look.

Here is what is different in Uptimia V4:

  • The design is now 100% responsive
    The previous version supported only tablets and desktops, but now you are free to use the app on the go - with your smartphone.
  • Completely redesigned dashboard
    Now you can easily have a quick overview of all of your monitors, regardless of type. We made it very easy to filter them by health, so you can quickly see which websites need your attention.
  • More convenient logs
    We made it much easier to go through incident and monitoring logs. You can quickly filter them by date and sites.
  • Brand new charts
    We changed the engine for visual charts. Now you can see the incidents visually - we mark them in red colour. Also, you can zoom in to inspect suspicious parts of the monitoring history more carefully.

We will be working very hard to deliver more features to Uptimia. We are grateful to our customers who have their faith in us, and we hope that you will like the new Uptimia.